Safe, potent, and affordable medical cannabis.
Lab-tested and Health Canada-approved medical cannabis, free of harmful pesticides and irritants. Lab-certified products are at 18-25% THC guaranteed.
All our dried cannabis is freshly harvested and packed within the last 3-6 weeks before it arrives to you. The packaged date will be part of the labeling of your medical cannabis packaging, but the real test is when you open it, you will know it’s super fresh.
As an agricultural product, cannabis varies between harvests and batches. The THC/CBD ranges shown are estimates from the licensed producer. Please check the ranges on your package, which are most accurate. What works for others may not work for you. Educate yourself and experiment cautiously to find what’s best for you. Cannabis can impair memory, concentration, reaction time, and cause sleepiness, nausea, anxiety, or panic. Frequent long-term use can hurt your lungs if smoked, affect mental health, lead to dependence, or cannabis use disorder.