First Name
Last Name
What is your current role as a staff member in the MAP?
Overall Experience
How would you describe your overall experience with the CSP compared to your initial expectations?
Feasibility and Impact on Staff
Reflecting on the CSP's duration to date, please rate its overall feasibility in terms of impact on staff.
What were the most significant factors that influenced the feasibility of the CSP, and how were these factors addressed?
Effectiveness of Peer Researchers and Medical Cannabis
How effective do you find the peer researchers in their roles during the CSP?
Please provide specific examples of peer researcher effectiveness or challenges.
In what ways have peer researchers influenced economic, health, and social outcomes within the MAP?
Training and Support
Please evaluate the adequacy of training and support provided to peers and suggest improvements.
How has your confidence in supporting the CSP evolved from the start to the current point of the program?
Participant Engagement and Program Outcomes
How engaged do you believe MAP participants are in the CSP from a staff perspective?
Based on your observations, how has the CSP impacted participants' quality of life and social functioning?
Economic and Resource Utilization
Please describe any observed changes in resource utilization (e.g., healthcare, criminal justice) among participants since the start of the CSP.
How do you rate the prospects for long-term sustainability of the CSP within the MAP?
Changes in Cannabis Use and Impact
Have you observed any changes in cannabis use among MAP participants throughout the CSP? Please share insights on how this has impacted alcohol consumption and withdrawal symptoms.
Additional Feedback
Is there anything else you would like to share about your overall experiences with the CSP implementation as a staff member in the MAP?
What are you looking for?